What a Funeral Director does…
Do you know what a Funeral Director does for you? A Funeral Director is there to help you through the entire funeral process.
Whether you have never had to make funeral arrangements before, or you’ve been involved with several funeral arrangements, you will be guided through, from beginning to end. At the time of death, many people are not sure what they need to do, or where to be- gin. As soon as possible after the time of death, it is a good idea to contact the funeral home of your choice, and speak with one of the funeral directors. Do not be afraid to ask questions. The funeral director will try to answer them and give you guidance as to what will happen next. Trust and confidentiality are of utmost importance to the funeral director. With your initial phone call, the funeral director will begin the process of help- ing you through this difficult period. A few questions my be asked of you at this time. As well, if you have any questions, they can be answered for you. If the funeral chapel has not already been notified, you will be asked where the death occurred.
One of the first things the Funeral Director will do is make arrangements for the transfer of your loved one to the funeral chapel. In instances when the death occurs away from home, whether within the province, out of province or country, arrangements will be made for the care and transportation of the deceased. Different service options can be discussed with you, and a time will be set up for you to meet with the Funeral Director to further discuss and complete the arrangements. He or she will also provide you with a list outlining what information you should gather to bring to the arrangement conference; e.g., when and where the deceased born; name of spouse, as well as date and place of marriage; names of the deceased’s parents, (including mother’s maiden name), and their places of birth; a family listing, including both surviving and predeceased family members; where the deceased was raised and educated; what occupation he/she had during their lifetime; organizations belonged to; hobbies and interests pursued; any special thoughts you may have regarding their personality, etc.; place, date and time for the prayer service (if applicable), and the funeral service/ mass; place of interment; active pallbearers or urn bearer; honorary donations to be directed to. You will also be asked to bring in a photograph of the deceased and, if necessary, the clothing, which includes regular underclothing, dress or slacks and blouse, suit, shirt and tie, or sweater. Optional items include shoes, jewelry, eye glasses, rosary, or any other items you would like to place in the casket. From the information required from you, the funeral director will register the death with Vital Statistics, and obtain permits for final disposition, which may be either earth burial or cremation. The photograph and pertinent details are used for the memorial card. Some of the information will help comprise an obituary.
The Funeral Director will take care of your loved one according to your wishes, which may include embalming, dressing, cosmeticizing, hair styling, placing the deceased in the casket you chose, and setting up a visitation time for you. When the service times are confirmed, if requested, notices will be placed in the daily newspaper and/or on the radio, as well as in local businesses. Ordering the cemetery plot, if required, and arranging for the opening and closing of the grave will also be co-ordinated. If your wishes are for cremation, that will be scheduled, and the legal documents completed. Any other arrangements that are necessary for your family will also be taken care of.
Remember, the Funeral Director is there to listen and guide you. He or she is empathetic to your situation and, therefore, sincerely wants to provide an opportunity for you to begin the natural grieving process. You can trust your Funeral Director to help you and your family with genuine care and concern for your needs.